Lon and I play in the same weekly poker game. 我和朗每周和同一帮人聚在一起打扑克。
In a stud poker game, you can put a couple of chips in the pot and receive two cards, one hidden and one exposed. 在一个studpoker游戏中,你可以向壶中投入一对筹码并得到两张牌,一个被隐藏的一个暴露出的。
My father met my mother in a poker game. 我的父亲和母亲是在一次打牌时邂逅的。
By the way, how's your poker game? 顺便说一声,你扑克玩得怎么样?
It was lost in a poker game. 在一场扑克牌赌局里输掉了。
He was sharing a nocturnal poker game with out-of-town cronies from another utility. 他正同几位来自外地的另一家公用公司的老朋友打扑克。
Took his son to a poker game? 他把他儿子也带去玩扑克牌了?
Raising the ante in a poker game; 在纸牌游戏中提高赌金;
You followed him to a poker game. 他去打牌的时候你跟踪了他。
Killed those little bitches at the poker game. 在牌局上干掉了那几个婊子养的。
During their nightly poker game a group of low lifes are terrorized in their own convenience store by a masked killer. 在他们晚上玩扑克游戏时,在自己的便利店中被一个蒙面杀手吓坏了。
God knows about my poker game. 上帝知道了我的扑克的事。
It is hedging its bets in the all-important diplomatic poker game. He might have been attached in some way to tote. 在这场十分重要的外交赌博中,它在两方面都下了赌注。
Start from self-enforcing protocol that in the code protocol, intelligence poker game based on a fair coin toss protocol hare studied, it was RSA key system that employed in the agreement. 本文从密码协议中的自动执行协议入手,研究了基于公平硬币抛掷协议的智力扑克游戏,协议中应用RSA密钥体制。
He called the situation a "poker game" between financial markets and the European Union, with investors demanding to see the precise terms of support for Greece. 他称当前的形势为金融市场和欧盟之间的一场“扑克牌游戏”,投资者要求看到明确的游戏规则救援希腊的具体条件。
Tom had no money because his friends cleaned him out in last night's poker game. 汤姆没有钱,因为他的朋友在昨晚打牌时赢光了他所有的钱。
Last night I got into a poker game with these men I met in the hotel bar. “这人说:”昨晚上,我和几个在旅馆酒吧间里碰到的人一起玩扑克游戏。
Hey, why don't you join the poker game tonight? 嘿,今晚你干嘛不和我们一起玩纸牌呢?
Who comes to a poker game with a shotgun? 谁会带猎枪来玩牌?
Fiore was last seen alive with Jenkins at a poker game in San Diego. 菲奥雷最后被发现,是与詹金斯一起在圣迭戈的一次扑克游戏中。
He told me he was in a regular poker game. 他告诉我是每周一次的牌局。
Most people eventually do leave the poker game or the dinner table, after all. 毕竟,多数人都最终会离开牌桌、餐桌。
Your success in reading people in a poker game is governed by your ability to effectively observe their behavior. 在扑克游戏中成功地读懂他人,取决于你有效地观察别人行为的能力。
A fund made up of a portion of each pot in a poker game. 抽头扑克牌戏中每一次赌注的一部分凑集成的钱。
Steve won the poker game with a full house. 史蒂夫以一手满堂红赢了这副牌。
We had a poker game at my place. 我们在我那儿玩扑克牌。
Pity we couldn't have fought the war out in a poker game. 可惜不能在纸牌游戏里决斗。
Similar games in the market On the market today are similar to poker game based on a contest, method of play Although there are many, but often luck in the race from the agreement of the role. 市面同类游戏情况目前市场上的同类游戏大多以扑克为蓝本进行竞赛,玩法虽然有很多,但竞赛中往往运气起约定性的作用。
Throwing a fool is a true simulation of the electronic poker game. 投掷傻瓜是一款模拟真实纸牌的电子游戏。